Delivering for Middle Georgia

Your voice for better schools, stronger families, and and more jobs in Middle Georgia

Delivering for Middle Georgia

Your voice for better schools, stronger families, and and more jobs in Middle Georgia

Investing in Education

Building a brighter future for Middle Georgia's children

Bethany Ballard understands that education is the foundation of our children's future and our state's prosperity. As Chair of the Education Curriculum Subcommittee, she has been a tireless advocate for strengthening our schools, supporting our teachers, and empowering parents. Bethany's commitment to education goes beyond rhetoric – she's delivered real results that are making a difference in classrooms across Middle Georgia.

Supporting Military Families

Honoring those who serve by serving their families

As a military spouse herself, Bethany intimately understands the unique challenges faced by military families. She's made it her mission to ensure that those who sacrifice so much for our country are supported here at home. Through her legislative efforts, Bethany has worked tirelessly to make Georgia the most military-friendly state in the nation, focusing on employment opportunities for spouses and supporting the vital missions at Robins Air Force Base.

Protecting Family Farms and Agriculture

Preserving Georgia's agricultural heritage and future

Agriculture is the backbone of Georgia's economy, and Bethany is committed to ensuring it remains strong for generations to come. She understands that protecting our family farms isn't just about economics – it's about preserving a way of life that has defined our state for centuries. Bethany's efforts in the legislature have focused on keeping Georgia's farmers competitive in a global market while ensuring that the family farm remains a viable and thriving institution.

Cutting Taxes and Growing the Economy

Putting more money back in Georgians' pockets

Bethany believes that Georgians know how to spend their money better than the government does. That's why she's been a champion for conservative fiscal policies that cut taxes, reduce regulations, and create an environment where businesses can thrive. Her efforts have helped return billions of dollars to hardworking Georgians while still maintaining the essential services that keep our state running smoothly.

Keeping Communities Safe

Standing with law enforcement to protect our families

Bethany understands that safe communities are the foundation for prosperity, health, and happiness. She's been a staunch supporter of law enforcement and has worked to pass legislation that gives our officers the resources they need to keep our neighborhoods safe. At the same time, she's advocated for smart reforms that ensure justice is served fairly and efficiently.

Meet Bethany

Bethany Ballard has proudly served House District 147 for the last two years. She and her husband, Mike, chose to make Warner Robins their home over a decade ago when he was transferred to Robins Air Force Base. A lifelong Republican and active community member, Bethany is committed to reinvesting in the priorities that bring good jobs, safe communities, and quality schools to Georgia families.

Bethany received a BA in English Literature from the University of North Carolina and an MA in English from the University of Central Arkansas. Before becoming active in politics, she taught high school English at her husband's various duty stations. Bethany and Mike have been married since 1996 and have two children, Braden and Preston. They attend Perry United Methodist Church, where Bethany serves as the Acolyte Coordinator and on the church's scholarship committee.

In the Georgia House, Bethany serves as Chairman of the Education Curriculum Subcommittee, the Vice President of Special Rules, and a member of Defense and Veterans Affairs. She was appointed by House Speaker Jon Burns to represent Georgia on the Education Commission of the States. Bethany is also an active board member of Republican Leadership for Georgia.

House District 147

House District 147 encompasses parts of Middle Georgia, including Warner Robins. Our community is home to Robins Air Force Base and thriving agricultural businesses. Bethany is dedicated to supporting our military families, protecting our family farms, and ensuring our district continues to be a wonderful place to call home.

As your representative, Bethany is committed to:

  • Protecting missions at Robins Air Force Base

  • Defending parents' input in their children's education

  • Supporting law enforcement and our veterans

  • Promoting policies that attract good jobs to our area

  • Preserving our conservative Middle Georgia values

Bethany Ballard for State House

2929 Watson Blvd, Suite 2, Box 208

Warner Robins, GA 31093

[email protected]